
Something about the weather getting cooler and the leaves changing makes me want to curl up with a good book and a coffee. Not a pumpkin spice anything, but a pure cup of coffee. The habesha in me is picky with my coffee.

A good book is a great accessory in any weather. However for those of us who get trapped indoors during the winter due to snow and ice, a great novel can help the days pass by faster.

My current reads are by the same author, Robin Sharma, who is a known leadership expert and his books have sold millions worldwide in seventy languages. The first book I read was “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” and the second which I’m currently finishing is “The Leader Who Had No Title”.

“The Monk…” was a great book that is presented like a fable around a main character who is struggle to hold on to the pieces of his life. He gets presented with an opportunity to change his life and is taken on a profound journey as he changes his life for the better. What I took from it was positive insights to help me appreciate and improve my life day to day.

However the book that I’m reading right now, “The Leader Who Had No Title”, is vital for this blog. Again, formed as a fictional story based around a main character who finds himself lost and looking to get his life back on track. He meets five interesting individuals who each teach him life lessons to help him get back in control and to be active in his life. From using positive language, letting go of victim hood thinking to openly embracing discomfort.

An example of one of the lessons that stood out to me was Adversity Breeds Opportunity. A line that resonated with me was ‘Every seeming failure brings with it some gift – some doorway that if you have the eyes to see it and the courage to walk through it will make you even more successful than you were before the difficulty.’ Perception is everything and the good thing is, ‘perception is within our control.’

Without giving away too much, I highly suggest checking out this book. If you are looking for motivation as you progress or whether you are finding yourself stuck between chapters, Robin Sharma’s work is uplifting and maybe you’ll find a nugget that inspires you.