Convention Administration
EMC has the sole right on the EMC Convention. EMC Convention Preparation Committee (CPC) is responsible for all of the affairs of the EMC Convention. Please follow guidelines given by the convention staff
Program Schedule
It is our intent to strictly enforce the program time schedule. Programs and sessions will start and end at the specified time so please be on time. We expect participation from everyone. However, speak only one person at a time as allowed by the facilitators.
No selling of any products or items, or fundraising of any type is allowed in any of the Convention venues unless officially permitted by EMC.
Safety and Security
Safety and security of all participants is the utmost importance of the EMC. To that effect, everyone is required to adhere to the rules and regulations of the facilities and venue including hotels. Furthermore, parents are to make sure that their children obey these rules and regulations and stay within the designated areas of the facilities. Everyone is to restrain from making excessive noises and disturbances in the conferences or hotels. Parents are requested to keep their children with them at all time, unless they are properly handed-over to event facilitators where the children are attending. Baby-sitting is available for kids under 12.
Audio & Visual Recording
No recording is allowed whether it’s sound, video or picture without written permission from the EMC. EMC will be recording conference activities using audio and visual means. EMC will use the recorded material for its website, publications and promotions. If you wish not to be photographed, please gently inform the recording staff.
Rights and Responsibilities
Attendees are required to adhere to the rules and regulations of EMC and these guidelines. All presentation materials developed for the purpose of the Convention are the properties of EMC. EMC is not responsible or liable for the conduct of any of the attendees or content of any of the presenters. No distribution of any material is allowed without written approval from EMC Board. EMC reserve the right to deny, restrict, reject, or eject any attendee of the conferences for any reason.
Facilitator and Presenter Ground Rules
- Please follow instructions given by convention guest services personnel and board.
- All people should be at their assigned place at the assigned time.
- Arrive on time, start on time, and finish on time. Absolutely no extra time will be given, not even “a couple of minutes to wrap up”.
- All cell phones should be turned off during your facilitation or presentation.
- Please be aware that the microphones are open and may pick up what you are saying even when you are whispering.
- Please be aware that the recording devices are most likely focusing on you.
- Dress appropriately.
- Please stick to your agenda and presentation; do not take bait from the audience and go to unnecessary discussion or argument.
- If you have any improvement ideas, or suggestions, please inform any one of the EMC board members or send an email to EMC.
- If you have to answer audience questions, please make it short and to the point. If unrelated to your presentation, kindly decline to respond and request that the question be submitted to the EMC board.
All presenters should:
- strictly adhere to the guidelines provided by EMC
- have a written approval to be included in any EMC presentation or panel discussion
- provide content (document, video, audio or others) for presentation/discussion to EMC 30 days prior to the convention
- adhere to the topic of discussion
- adhere to the allowed time
- not mention any organization, project, email, telephone number, website or other references that are not part of EMC
- not raise funds or even imply fundraising by asking attendees to get more information on an organization or project that is not part to EMC