
For one month, EMC is offering you the chance to buy from its collection of exclusive shirts. We have an amazing selection of designs available to you for a very competitive price:

  • $20 (including shipping to US address) per shirt
  • $25 (including shipping to Canada address) per shirt.
  • We can also use your own custom design for $40 per shirt with minimum order of 2 shirts.


Ordering is easy: 

  1. Pick your shirt size: S, M, L or XL
  2. Pick shirt color: White, black, light grey, light blue and or grey
  3. Pick a design from the gallery below
  4. Pick color for printed design: Gold, silver, black, white, light blue, or a combination thereof


The proceeds from the sale for this one month period will go towards EMC Atlanta Project or until we reach $10,000


This is an awesome deal; you get exclusive designs, for great price and the proceeds go to a community project


SALE CLOSED. This exclusive sale has ended on Sept 3, 2016.